Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rhetoric and Composition: ENG 015 007: Introduce Yourself

I'm Andrew Pugliese, a student in English 015-007. I an a freshman here at Penn State, entering my second semester on campus. I am in the College of Engineering and hope to be a civil engineering major by next year. My interests range from sports to movies and TV to anything else that could keep my entertained. I grew up in Suffern, NY, a short trip from New York City. I am a huge Jets fan and a Mets fan as well. Life is not easy when you those are the teams you follow as you get used to being disappointed but you never know when things can turn around. At home I live with my mother and my brother who are interesting cast of characters themselves. In my house everyone is free to speak their mind without hesitation or regret. Nothing is taken too seriously and nothing is off limits. I enjoy discussing any sort of topic with someone as long as their is a disagreement. I find when people all agree nothing is accomplished and the conversation is dull. Controversy makes things more fun and gets people thinking more.

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